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Mindset - why it matters
Mindset is defined as the attitudes and habits that a person has. Mindset is often based on the previous experiences of the person. It will impact how a person thinks about situations and will influence how the person responds to the situation. A person's beliefs, emotions and thoughts based on their mindset can positively contribute to or negatively detract from the following:
A positive mindset impacts a person's personal growth. Challenges are embraced with the belief in the ability to learn from both successes and set-backs. Experiencing difficulties can lead to a lack of confidence and negatively impact your attitude towards learning and your work ethic. This can lead to more difficulties in achieving your goals. Break the cycle! Create a positive balance of mindset and achievement. Rise above the struggle. Aim for your maximum well-being. Grow through it!

Grow Through It!
I can share a personal story with you. When I realized that I had to create a website for my business, I had a bit of a panic and the idea scared me. I tend to shy away from anything to do with technology. I had low self-esteem about my abilities. In the past, I was quite unsuccessful with technology. My mindset was that "I don't know anything about websites, I don't know about technology and I have no idea how to build a website. I can't do it." Full stop - end of conversation. The more I thought about it, the more I thought "Hmm, maybe I can do it!". I had to change my mindset about my ability to build a website. I began to have the confidence that perhaps I could do this! I knew I would require the correct tools to do so. This would begin with research of the items I would need to build my own website - domains, examples of website, online support etc. I asked my students for advice and they game me some options of online help. Most of them believed in me and thought that I could do it. I started slow. I had to be patient as it took quite a lot of my time. I had to persevere, even when I wanted to give up. As I continued, my confidence and skill started to increase. I am quite proud at my success of building a website.
It may not be the best website in the world, but it is indeed my best website.
As I worked on my website, I kept thinking about a story that I used to read to my children. There was no way of going around my obstacle. I had to face it and go threw it.

Don't give up
Here's a poem by Tupac Shakur, rapper.
He overcame many obstacles in life and achieved personal success.

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