Terms and Conditions
These general terms and conditions apply to all assessments and support plans that are entered into both verbally and in writing between Max Well Mindset (MwM) and the client.
An agreement is established by the written offer and acceptance of the Assessment and/or Support plan. The agreement will be signed and dated by all parties involved.
Agreements about appointment dates (such as for the intake meeting) can be made verbally.
The client is responsible for determining how and what costs are covered by the client’s insurance company for any services.
MwM will email an invoice to the client within 30 days of any services provided.
Costs must be paid by the client within 14 days of the date of the invoice.
Default of payment occurs if the client has not paid the amount due within 14 days after the invoice date.
If the client defaults on payment, a payment reminder will be sent from MwM to the client. This will include a notification that the debt will be sent to a collection agency if payment is not made within a week of the payment reminder. This will allow the client an additional week to make the payment.
In the case of non-payment within 7 days of the reminder, MwM is entitled to take collection measures through a third-party collection agency. The client will be responsible for any additional fees incurred for any collection costs associated with recovering payment.
Non-payment of costs may result in termination of further services.
MwM uses a professional code of ethics in to treat information confidentially. Requesting or providing information to third parties is only possible with explicit client permission.
Appointments must be cancelled at least 24 hours before appointments. This applies to cancellations from MwM and from the client. In case of non-cancellation and a missed apointment by the client, MwM is entitled to charge the reserved time to the client. If an appointment is cancelled by MwM, an alternate time will be scheduled that is agreed upon by all parties.
Dutch law applies to the terms and conditions related the the agreements and services between MwM and the client.